Henry and Johan Tilly

Henry Tilly was of Henlow, Bedfordshire, England.

Henry married Johan —.

Henry’s will was dated 1 September and was proved on 4 December 1520 at Henlow, Bedfordshire, England.

Henry and Johan's children are:

  1. Thomas Tylle, married Margaret —, will dated 21 Aug and proved on 6 Oct 1556. 
  2. Will Tilly.


  1. Ward, Robert Leigh, “English Ancestry of Seven Mayflower Passengers: Tilley, Sampson, and Cooper”, The American Genealogist, Vol. 52, pgs. 198-208.


Will dated 1 Sep 1520 and is in the probate records of the Archdeaconry Court of Bedford as follows: “Will of Henry Tilly, Archdeaconry of Bedford 2:163: In the name of god amen. The yere of o’ lord ye (m) cccccxx the first day of the moneth of Septeber, I Henry Tilly of Henlow in the com. of Bed. in the dioc. of Loncoln hole of mynd and remembrance make my testament in this man’. First I bequeth my sowle to the almyghty god o’ lady and all the company of hevyn my bodie to be buryyd in the church yeard of Henlow. Item I bequeth my best good for my mortuary after the custome of the towne. Item I bequeth to the high aulter of Henlow ii busshellys barley. Also I bequeth to the bellys in the sayd church ii busshellys barley. Item I bequeth to the gild prest of o’lady in the said church of Henlow i part f( )d to syng specially for me and my frends and generally for all the bretherne and sustunance of the same gild xxviii s.iiii d. if thir be none b(r)rotherhed prest then an other honest prest to have the sayd part f( )e. Item I bequeth to the children of Thomas Tilly my Sonne ech of them the out see of a cow of x annas. Item. I bequeth my place to Johan my wiff terme of her liff after the decease of her I bequeth it to Will Tilly my sonne if they both consent to selle the sayd place I will that Thomas Tilly my sonne by it byfore any other payying asmoch as a nother man will. if William my sonne decease wthout Issue byfore the sayd place be sold then I will it to be sold and hav a prest to pray for my and my frends whill the money lasteth. The Resedu of my goods my detts payd and all thyng done I bequeth them to Johan my wiff and Will my sonne whome I make and order myy executors. Also I ordayn Thomas Tilly my sonne supervisor. provyn at Henlow the day and yere aforesayd. Witnes hereof Jhn underwood, Will March, Ser Albert, Bisshopp Wothen. (Proved 4 Dec 1520 by William Tilly, executor.)

Source:  Ward, Robert Leigh, “English Ancestry of Seven Mayflower Passengers: Tilley, Sampson, and Cooper”, The American Genealogist, Vol. 55, No. 4 (October 1976).

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Author: Michelle A. Boyd


Last updated 22 Jan 2004