Citing this biography: Boyd, Michelle, "Nicholas George and
Elizabeth --," article, Olive and Eliza, last accessed [current date]."
Nicholas George married Elizabeth --. Elizabeth was born
about 1601. They were living in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts by
1641. Elizabeth was admitted to the church in 1641. Nicholas was made a
freeman 23 May 1666.
Nicholas was the keeper of an ordinary in Dorchester. On 11 1st month
1666/7, it was recorded that "Whearas Nicholas George of Dorchester hath
for divers yeers kept a house of Comon Entertainment, and ther being
within the said time, many Clamorous Reports of miscaredges in the same
house, which is very sad (if true) and not to be by any Countenanced and
tollerated, yet notwithstanding the Select men haue Indeavored by their
best wisdome to find out the truth of such reports, but for ought that
we can find they are groundles and therfore we doe consent that the
Nicholas George may be continued in the same Employment unless the
honored Court know more against it then we doe..."
Nicholas George died 3 April 1675 in Dorchester, Suffolk,
Massachusetts. Nicholas' will, proved 27 2 month 1675, mentioned
Elizabeth and a grandson Nicholas who lived with him. He also mentioned
that all of his children, whom he did not name in his will, were then
"disposed of in marriage" and he had already given them "Sumthing of my
continued in her husband's occupation. On 102 month 1676,
"It was granted libertie to the Widdow George to keepe a hous of publick
entertainment with the aprbation of the HonrdCounty
Court p[rov]ided she doe not draw Cidar any more than is p[ro]duced
out of her owne orchyard." On 22 11 month 1680, the Dorchester selectmen
having been ordered to present to the Court "some meet p[er]son
that is both able and willing to keepe a hous of publik entertainment,"
had not found "such a p[er]son to be willing, whom we Judg fitt,
but the widdow George is willing, and is a Comodated for such an
employ..." Provided the Court was willing to allow her the liberty of
one more year of keeping a house of public entertainment, one of the
selectmen would take it upon himself "to inspect into the Gouerment of
the house" for a year. Again, in April of 1682, she was given the
selectmen's approbation "keepe ordenary for this yeare p'uided that John
Bricke doe ingage for her that it shall be performed and keept as the
law directs:"
Elizabeth mortgaged her barn and the land it stood on to Abigail Kellond
29 Jan 1683/4, the same day that her son Joshua mortgaged his house and
land to the same person. Elizabeth died 8 November 1699 in Dorchester,
Suffolk, Massachusetts, said to have been aged 98.
James and Mary’s children are:
George, baptized 9 1st month 1641, married Samuel Rigby.
Husband: Samuel Rigby, m. 2) Hannah --, d.
9 Apr 1691 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts.
George, baptized 30 3rd month 1643.
Mary George,
baptized 21 10th month 1645. She died in childbirth 23 Jan 1673 in
Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, married James Bird 6
Feb 1669 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, died in childbirth
23 Jan 1673 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts.
Husband: James Bird, b. abt. 1647 to Thomas
Bird and Ann --, m. 2) Ann Withington, tanner and
ensign, constable in 1677, selectman and assessor in 1693, made
freeman 18 April 1690, d. 1 Sep 1723 in Dorchester, Suffolk,
Massachusetts, bur. Dorchester North Burying Ground, Dorchester,
Suffolk, Massachusetts, inventory taken 26 Nov 1723.
Children: (daughter) Bird (died young), James
Bird (m. 1) Miriam -- and 2) Ellizabeth
Holbrook), (child) Bird (gender unknown, died at
birth, probably stillborn, with its mother).
George, born about 1648, married 1) Elizabeth -- and 2) Mary
--, a mariner, mortgaged his house and land to Abigail Kellond 29
Jan 1683/4, died 6 Aug 1690 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts.
Wife 1: Elizabeth --, d. 11 Oct 1676 in
Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts.
Wife 2: Mary --, d. 16 Aug 1689 in
Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts.
Children: Elizabeth George (m. Ephraim Sawyer),
two other children.
George, married Abigail --, died about 1666 in
Wife: Abigail --, administration on
Nicholas's estate granted to her 18 Jul 1672.
Summary of Sources
Alfred L.,Blackman
and Allied Families,
Chicago: Privately printed for N.L. Blackman, 1928, pgs. 81-83.
Trask, William B., "Thomas Bird, of Dorchester, Massachusetts, and
Some of His Descendants," New England Historical and
Genealogical Register, vol. 25, January 1871, pgs. 26, 28-29.
Charles Henry,The
Pioneers of Massachusetts,
Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co. (reprint; originally
printed in Boston, 1900), p. 185.
County (Massachusetts) Probate Records, 1636-1899; Author:
Massachusetts. Probate Court (Suffolk County); Probate Place:
Suffolk, Massachusetts. Notes: Probate Records, Vol 5-7,
1666-1674. Massachusetts, U.S., Wills and Probate
Records, 1635-1991 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA:
Operations, Inc., 2015. Original data: Massachusetts County,
District and Probate Courts. Massachusetts, U.S., Town and Vital Records,
1620-1988 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:
Operations, Inc., 2011. Original data: Town and City Clerks of
Massachusetts. Massachusetts Vital and Town Records. Provo, UT:
Holbrook Research Institute (Jay and Delene Holbrook).
"Marriages, Births, and Deaths in Dorchester, Mass., 1648-1683,"New
England Historical and Genealogical Register, vol. 16, Apr
1862, p. 155.
W. B., "Inscriptions from the Old Burial Ground in Dorchester,
England Historical & Genealogical Register,
vol. 5, Apr 1851, p. 255, 258.
Gravestones of James Bird, Dorchester North Burying Ground,
Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts.
Source Materials
Click on each category below to expand and see the copies of sources
used to create the biography above (copyrighted and other restricted
items are listed in the summary of sources above but not included
below). Click again to close.
The Pioneers of Massachusetts
Nicholas, Dorchester, 1641; frm. May 23, 1666. Wife Elizabeth adm.
chh. 1641; ch. Elizabeth bapt. 9 (1) 1641, (m. Samuel Rigby,) John
bapt. 30 (3) 1643, Mary bapt. 21 (10) 1645, (m. John Bird,) Joshua b.
about 1648, Nicholas. The son Nicholas d. in Guinea about 1666, acc.
to testimony of Giles Young July 18, 1672, when admin. of his est. was
gr. to his widow Abigail, with Nicholas, Sen., and John Greenland
His will was prob. 27 (2) 1675. Beq. to wife Elizabeth and to
grandson Nicholas, now living with him; children all disposed of in
Pope, Charles Henry,The Pioneers of
Massachusetts, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co. (reprint;
originally printed in Boston, 1900), p. 185.
Blackman and Allied Families
NICHOLAS1 GEORGE was of Dorchester, Mass., as early as
1641, and had a wife Elizabeth. He was one of the 102 petitioners to
the General Court, Oct. 9, 1664, to adhere to their original patent.
(N. E. Register, 5-393.) He was the keeper of the Ordinary there for
many years, up to the time of his death. In connection with this some
items from the town records are interesting.
"The 11th of the (1) 1666/7." (Mar. 11, 1666-7.)
"The same day a note was deliuered to Nicholas George as followeth.
"To the Honrd County Court of
Suffolk Whearas Nicholas George of Dorchester
hath for diuers yeers kept a house of Comon Entertainment, and ther
being within the said time, many Clamorous Reports of miscaredges in
the same house, which is uery sad (if true) and not to be by any
Countenanced and tollerated, yet notwithstanding the Select men haue
Indeauored by their best wisdome to find out the truth of such
reports, but for ought that we can find they are groundles and
therfore we doe consent that the Nicholas George may be continued in
the same Employment vnless the honored Court know more against it then
we doe: all this with Submition to the Court heerin.
11 (1)
By order of the Select men
John Capen Recordr"
(Boston Rec. Com. Reports, 4-141.)
"At a meeting of the Select men the 10th
2 76" (Apr. 10, 1676).
"It was granted libertie to the Widdow
George to keepe a hous of publick entertainment with the aprbation
of the Honrd County Court p'uided she doe not draw Cidar
any more than is p'duced out of her owne orchyard." (Ibid., 4-212.)
"At a meeting of the Select men the 22 (11)
80 vpon occasion this returne was drawn vp to send to the Court."
(Jan. 22, 1680-1.)
"Wheras the Honrd Court in
December last ordered that the Select men of Dorchester doe prsent to
the next Court some meet p'son that is both able and willing to keepe
a hous of publik entertainment under a penalty Thes are to certefie to
the Honrd Court, that we the Select men of Dorchester haue
not been neglectiue heerin, but we cannot find such a p'son to be
willing, whom we Judg fitt, but the widdow George is willing, and is a
Comodated for such an employ, and if the Court pleas to alow her
libertie for one yeer more to keep an hous of publik entertainment:
William Sumner who is one of our Select men, will Engage for one yeer
to doe the best he can to inspect into the Gouerment of the house if
he be impowered soe to doe by the Honrd Court
22 11
John Capen
William Sumner
Rich Hale
James Blake
Samuel Clap."
(Ibid., 4-252.)
"Aprill: 82 : The Widow George had the
ap'bation of the select men to keepe ordenary for this yeare p'uided
that John Bricke doe ingage for her that it shall be performed and
keept as the law directs:" (Ibid., 4-265.)
Nicholas George died in Dorchester, Apr. 3,
1675 (Boston Rec. Com. Reports, 21-28), and his widow Elizabeth died
in same place, Nov. 8, 1699, "aged 98" (Ibid., 21-242; Pope's Pioneers
of Mass., p. 185.)
Joshua George, son of Nicholas and
Elizabeth George, was probably born in the vicinity of 1646. He
married (1) Elizabeth -----, who died Oct. 11, 1676 (Boston Rec. Com.
Reports, 21-29); (2) Mary -----, who died Aug. 16, 1689 (Ibid.,
21-121), and he died in Dorchester, Aug. 6, 1690 (Ibid., 21-121).
Jan. 29, 1683-4, Joshua George, of
Dorchester, "Mariner," mortgaged his house and land in Dorchester to
Abigail Kellond, widow of Thomas Kellond, of Boston, and on the same
date his mother, Elizabeth George, widow, mortgaged her barn and the
land "it standeth upon" to the same party. (Suffolk Deeds, 13-418,
Joshua and Elizabeth George had 3 children,
one of them being a daughter Elizabeth, born in Dorchester, Nov. 9,
1671, who married Ephraim Sawyer.
Source: Holman, Alfred L., Blackman and
Allied Families, Chicago: Privately printed for N.L. Blackman,
1928, pgs. 81-83.
Thomas Bird, of Dorchester, Massachusetts, and Some of His
4. JAMES2 (Thomas1), b. about 1647; married
Mary George, April 6, 1669. She died in child-bed, Jan. 23, 1673. He
m. Ann Withington, Nov. 13, 1679, who died Sept. 21, 1723. He was a
tanner by trade; was made freeman April 18, 1690. He is called
"Ensigne;" was constable in 1677; one of the Selectmen and Assessors
in 1693; died Sept. 1, 1723. It may be observed that Mr. Bird, his
widow Ann, and daughter Priscilla, died in the same month, namely
September, 1723. Inventory of his estate taken, by James Blake, Junr,
Preserved Capen, and Thomas Wiswell, Nov. 26, 1723. Amount,
£1107.16.8. Mentions about 90 acres of land. James Bird and wife Mary
i. A daughter, b. Sept. 22; d. Oct. 1, 1670.
13. ii. JAMES, b. Dec. 27, 1671; d. Sept. 15, 1728.
By wife Ann (Withington) Bird had:--
iii. EUNICE, b. Oct. 16, 1680; d. Aug. 3, 1709.
iv. EBENEZER, b. Jan. 30, 1683; d. Jan. 18, 1703, by a fall from his
v. BEBEE, b. May 22, 1686; m. Remember Preston, May 3, 1705. He was
the son of Daniel and Abigail (Jackson) Preston, and grandson of
Deacon Daniel and Mary. See "Preston Family," Register, xiv.
26, where it says he "left no issue." She died Dec. 25, 1746, aged 61.
Register, vi. 239.
vi. PRISCILLA, b. April 10, 1688; d. Sept. 24 (grave-stone says 23),
14. vii. HENRY, b. March 20, 1689-90; d. May 5, 1756.
15. viii. THOMAS, b. Jan. 1, 1692-3; d. May 3, 1770.
Source: Trask, William B., "Thomas Bird, of Dorchester,
Massachusetts, and Some of His Descendants," New England
Historical and Genealogical Register, vol. 25, January 1871,
pgs. 26.
Click each thumbnail to open a full-size version of the image in a
new tab.
Will of Nicholas George
of the will of
Nicholas George
Source: Suffolk County (Massachusetts) Probate Records, 1636-1899;
Author: Massachusetts. Probate Court (Suffolk County); Probate Place:
Suffolk, Massachusetts. Notes: Probate Records, Vol 5-7, 1666-1674. Massachusetts, U.S., Wills and Probate Records,
1635-1991 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations,
Inc., 2015. Original data: Massachusetts County, District and Probate
Click each thumbnail to open a full-size version of the image in a
new tab.
Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts
James Bird and
Mary George
6 Feb 1669
Bird, wife of
James Bird
23 Jan 1673Nicholas
13 Apr 1675[Ma]ry Georg, wife
of Joshua Georg
16 Aug 1689Mary
16 Aug 1689Joshua
6 Aug 1690
9 Apr 1691Elizabeth
8 Nov 1699James Bird Senr.
1 Sep 1723
Source: Massachusetts, U.S., Town and Vital Records,
1620-1988 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations,
Inc., 2011. Original data: Town and City Clerks of Massachusetts.
Massachusetts Vital and Town Records. Provo, UT: Holbrook Research
Institute (Jay and Delene Holbrook).
...Nicholas George senr. d. 8th April 1675;...Elizabeth, wife of
Joshua, d. Oct. 11: 76;...
Source: "Marriages, Births, and Deaths in Dorchester, Mass.,
1648-1683," New England Historical and Genealogical Register,
vol. 16, Jan 1862, p. 81.
BIRD, James (ca 1647-1733, 1723?) & 1/wf Mary GEORGE (1645-1673);
6 Apr 1669; Dorchester {George 90; Sv. 1:182; Reg. 25:23, 75:145;
Dorchester Ch. Rec. 24; Bird (1871) 12; Smith-Bryant 116;
Blake-Glidden 45; Dorchester VR 22}
GEORGE, Joshua (-1690) & Elizabeth ____ (-1676); by 1671;
Dorchester {Blackman Anc. 82, 181; George}
GEORGE, Joshua (-1690) & 2/wf Mary ____ (-1689); ca 1676, by
1689; Dorchester {George 86, 87; Blackman Anc. 82}
GEORGE, Nicholas (-1675) & Elizabeth ____ (1602-1699); by 1620;
Dorchester/Charlestown {George 82; Blackman Anc. 81; Reg. 5:400}
RIGBY, Samuel (1640-1691) & 1/wf Elizabeth [GEORGE] (1641-); ca
1660; Dorchester {Dorchester Ch. Rec. 154}
Photos are shown below as thumbnails. Click on each thumbnail to view
a larger version of the photo in another tab.
Dorchester North Burying Ground, Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts
James Bird
Photo credit: Jeffrey
Here Lyes Buried ye Body of James Bird who Deceased Sept
ye 15th 1728 In ye 57th
Year of His age.
Source: Trask, W. B., "Inscriptions from the Old Burial Ground in
Dorchester, MS.," New England Historical & Genealogical
Register, vol. 5, Apr 1851, p. 239, 255-6, 258.