Sijmon Floriszen and Claertje Arents
Sijmon Floriszen was a “broekenmaker” (a maker of trousers). He married Claertje Arents 10 December 1616 in Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands. Claertje married second Jouwe Heijndrix 8 Nov 1642 in Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands.
Sijmon and Claertje's children:
- Floris Sijmonsen, baptized 1 Jan 1619 at the Nieuwkerk (New Church), Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands.
- Lijsbet Sijmons, baptized 18 Jun 1620 at the Oudekerk (Old Church), Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands.
- Machtelt Sijmons, baptized 1 May 1622 at the Oudekerk (Old Church), Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands, married Claes Maijer 22 Feb 1642 in Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands.
- Jannetje Sijmons, baptized 22 Sep 1624 at the Oudekerk (Old Church), Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands, married Evert Pels 31 Nov 1641 in the Oudekerk (Old Church), Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands.
- Arent Sijmonsen, baptized 1 Dec 1626 at the Nieuwkerk (New Church), Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands.
- Marij Sijmons, baptized 17 Dec 1628 at the Oudekerk (Old Church), Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands. (See footnote about burial.)[1]
- Arent Sijmons, baptized 22 Dec 1630 at the Oudekerk (Old Church).
- Marritje Sijmons, baptized 12 Oct 1632 at the Nieuwkerk (New Church), Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands, was indentured to Pieter Pietersen Harder in New Amstel in New Netherland, her brother-in-law Evert Pels paid for the remainder of her indenture in 19 February 1659, married Jacob Barents Cool.
- 1. Huwelijks Aangifte (Marriage Intentions for all Dutch Reformed Churches in the City of Amsterdam), Film 113201, Vol. 475 and Film 113118.
- 2. Huwelijken (Marriages in the Oudekerk, Amsterdam), Film 113353, Vol. 970.
- 3. Fiches collectie van dopen, trouwen en overlijden : 1553-1811 (Amsterdam, Noord Holland, Netherlands), Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1964-1967, Films #441958, 441964, 441971, and 536908
- 4. Ancestry of the Jansen Daughters, (, citing Amsterdam Church Records, LDS Films 113145, 113188, 113194, 113201, 441875, 441881 Item 5, and 539648.
- 5. Early Church Records, Ulster County, New York, p. 19.
1619 Jan: 1 From the Index of Amsterdam Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials
LDS FHL Film #441958
Vader: Florisz Sijmon
Moeder: Sijmons Clara
Kind: Floris
Kerk: N.K. Nr. 40 Blz. 321620 Juni 18
Vader: Florisz Sijmon
Moeder: Arents Claertje
Kind: Lijsbet
Bijzonderh.: Ber Broekenmaker
Kerk: O.K. Nr. 5 Blz. 3201622 Mei 1 Film #441964
Vader: Florisz Sijmon
Moeder: Arent Claertjen
Kind: Machtelt
Bijzonderh.: Ber. va. Broekenmaker
Kerk: O.K. Nr. 6 Blz. 131624 Sept. 22
Vader: Florisz Sijmon
Moeder: Arents Klaer
Kind: Jannetjen
Bijzonderh.: Ber. broekenmaker
Kerk: O.K. Nr. 6 Blz. 941626 Dec 1
Vader: Florisz Sijmon
Moeder: Arents Clara
Kind: Arent
Bijzonderh.: Ber Broekenmaker
Kerk: N.K. Nr. 6 Blz. 2241628 Dec. 17
Vader: Forissz? Sijmon
Moeder: Arents Claesje
Kind: Marij
Bijzonderh.: Broekenmaker
Kerk: O.K. Nr. 6 Blz. 2241630 Dec 22
Vader: Florisz Sijmon
Moeder: Arents Claertje
Kind: Arent
Bijzonderh.: ber. Broekenmaker (Boxmaker)[2]
Kerk: O.K. Nr. 6 Blz. 2911632 Oct 12 Film #441971
Vader: Florisz Sijmon
Moeder: Arents Claertje
Kind: Maritje
Kerk: NK Nr. 41 Blz. 2141616 Dec 10 Film #536908
Bruidgrom: Floriss Simon
Bruid: Arents Claartje
Nr. 668 Blz. 651642 Nov 8
Eerder man: Floris Sijmon
Bruid: Ariaens Clara
Bruidgrom: Heijndrix Jouwe
Nr. 458 Blz. 335Source: Fiches collectie van dopen, trouwen en overlijden : 1553-1811 (Amsterdam, Noord Holland, Netherlands), Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1964-1967.
The following are original records. Because they are in the Dutch language and Germanic handwriting, I do not have complete transcripts of the records as of yet (just names, dates, and a few other words).
Marriage intention of Simon Florisse and Claertjen Arents, 10 December 1616.
Source: Huwelijks Aangifte (Marriage Intentions for all Dutch Reformed Churches in the City of Amsterdam), Film 113188.
Marriage intention of Claes Maijer and Machtelt Symons, 22 February 1642.
Source: Huwelijks Aangifte (Marriage Intentions for all Dutch Reformed Churches in the City of Amsterdam), Film 113201.
Marriage intention of Jouwe Heijndrix and Clara Ariaens, 8 November 1642.
Source: Huwelijks Aangifte (Marriage Intentions for all Dutch Reformed Churches in the City of Amsterdam), Film 113201.
Compareerden als voren Evert Everts Pels van Statijn varensgezel out 25 jaren wonende in de Hasselaersteeg, geen ouders, geassisteert met zijn oom Pieter Smit, en Jannetje Sijmonsdr. out 18 jaren wonende als voren geassisteert met haer moeder Claertje. Den 31 November 1641.
Appeared as before Evert Everts Pels from Statijn, sailor, aged 25 years, living in the Hasselaersteeg, having no parents (living in Amsterdam), accompanied by his uncle Pieter Smit, and Jannetje Sijmon’s daughter, aged 18 years, living in the same place, accompanied by her mother Claertje. 31 November 1641.Source: Huwelijks Aangifte (Marriage Intentions for all Dutch Reformed Churches in the City of Amsterdam), Film 113201, Vol. 475.
De 15th Dito heft D. Holbekijus getrout als volgt: Evert Everts Pels met Jannetje Sijmons.
The 15th of the same (December 1641) Dominie Holbekijus married as before: Evert Everts Pels with Jannetje Sijmons.Source: Huwelijken (Marriages in the Oudekerk, Amsterdam), Film 113353, Vol. 970.
“Power of Attorney from Evert Pels to Jan Jacobsen Power of Attorney
19 February 1659Appeared before me, Johannes La Montagne, in the service of the General Chartered West India Company Commissary at Fort Orange, and the village of Beverwyck, Evert Pels, who declared in the presence of the herinafter named witnesses, that he hath constituted and appointed, as hereby does constitute and appoint, the Honorable Captain Jan Jacobsen his attorney, in the principle's name and in his behalf, to procure the freedom of MARRETJE SYMONS, sister of the Principle's wife, dwelling in the city of New Amstel, on the South River, with one Pieter Pietersen Harder, in such manner as the attorney may adjudge best; promising to hold good and valid whatever the attorney shall do in this matter, as if he, the principle, were himself present, for which he binds his person and estate, real and personal, submitting the same to all courts and judges.
Done in Fort Orange the 19th of February, anno 1659, in the presence of Johannes Prevost and Jan Pietersen Muller.
Signed EVERT PELS; Witnesses : Johannes Provoost and Jan Pieters; acknowledged before me La Montagne, Commissary at Ft. Orange.”
Source: Early Church Records, Ulster County, New York, p. 19.
[1] Ancestry of the Jansen Daughters, ( states that Marij was perhaps the Marij Florisse buried 7 Mar 1631 in Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands. Footnotes
[2] Willem Rabbelier wrote on 28 Jul 2004 (Email, “Re: Broekenmaker”): “The word ‘boxmaker’ cannot be found in the Middle-Dutch dictionary, but, I remember from my youth that my parents used to call pants, pantaloons ‘boksem’. I'm originally from the northern part of the Netherlands (Groningen) and it was a dialect word for pants. In my Dutch Extended Dictionary I found the entry: ‘boks’ or ‘boksem’. The Dictionary states that these words were dialect and historically used for ‘sailors’ wide pants’. My wife, who’s from the southern province of Brabant tells me that ‘boks’ as a synonym for ‘broek’ (= pants, pantaloons) was used widely among the dialect-speaking people. So I'm quite sure that ‘Boxmaker’ is rather synonymous to ‘Broekenmaker’.”
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